Saturday, September 15, 2007

Plan ahead for Xmas

...without leaving the house.

Many people cringe when they hear the words Black Friday. But me, I laugh in the face of no sleep and long lines. Ok, I'm only laughing from sleep deprivation and a caffeine high. But that is beside the point. lol

I do love Black Friday but I have no way to get to all the stores at once and get the best deals. I also don't like leaving our hill anymore and that means I don't get to all the stores I used to. :( Let alone the fact that all of the stores you can find at bfads are not all in my area anymore. I miss that. All of the companies that I have seen so far are the one's that I used to hit regularly when the kids were young and we were closer to the big mall.

For those of you that have never participated in Black Friday you will be getting in much better by joining the newsletter. Normally you have to sit on Thanksgiving Day and go through the big ads for the next morning. Stores open anywhere from 5-7am and have door buster sales to get you there early. Now is the hard part. Many of them have MUST HAVE items in very limited quantities per store. There is no way to hit all the stores at opening to get the best deals.

But you can go to bfads and find the ads as soon as they are released to the printers. Then choose what you are looking for and shop ONLINE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Wow, I will be sitting at home with my laptop this Black Friday and having the time of my life shopping. I encourage you to sign up for updates.

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