Saturday, September 22, 2007

Football yipee!

I'm so glad football is back on. I can sit here and do webwork and still be watching the game. I don't actually have to watch it since I've been watching it since I was little. I can listen and look up when a really good play happens. lol Plus we have tivo so if I missed something we just rewind. What in the world did we do before Tivo? I can't even remember those dark ages.

Right now we are in the end of the third quarter and the second washington team is sucking butt. lol We quit watching the WSU game because it was so bad and the UW game finally started. But now UCLA just did a killer interception and the game will totally be over. I actually think I hear hubby brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. He's the one that likes to watch college ball, not me!

If that is the case then I have a bunch of movies to catch up on tonight while I update blogs. :)

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