Wednesday, April 06, 2005

running around days

Today was just one of those days. Non-stop, no time to eat, better make a list kind of days. I got most of it done, but unfortunately that meant having pizza for dinner. You know when pizza doesn't sound good anymore that you have it too much. I better go put the left-overs in the fridge by the way. lol

Tomorrow is busy too, but at least I should have time to clean. I can't stand the house this messy. It's so hard to keep it clean when I'm not here. I've changed my pile of laundry from a mountain to an actual mountain range. The pile will no longer stay upright, it skids on down the hallway now. I know soon some of it will actually start loading itself into the washer. If I wasn't such a horror movie junky that might be funny. Maybe King can write a book about us Mom's daily life and how the chores actually did take over us! lol

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