Saturday, December 30, 2006


So many reasons why I could have a headache I just don't know where to start. First, I probably had too much caffeine this morning and didn't get enough water until later in the afternoon. Which it's only 4 here now, so it's not like it was that late. lol Second, I'm cleaning. I mean CLEANING! I haven't washed the tops of the cupboards for a couple of years and it's nasty. I'm allergic to dust so go figure I have a headache. Then I figured maybe it was cause my caffeine had worn off. So I just had a few glasses of diet coke. K, I had lots of diet coke. But I'm cleaning for god sakes and I hate housework. HATE HOUSEWORK!

But I'm sure the real reason I have a headache is the reason why I am cleaning to begin with. Yes, it all started with an argument before we even got out of bed this morning. Wonderful huh? I know, gotta love those. I'm too private (I know that shocks you) to put it all in here. Who knows if anyone around locally is reading this. lol But suffice it to say, it got me doing dishes immediately after getting up. After I checked emails of course, don't let's be stupid. That lead to cleaning counters. Which led to trying to clean out the oven. Gave up on that sticky mess, but at least I got the chunks off. Next thing I know I'm on my hands and knees washing the floor. WTF!!! Boy that pissed me off that it had let to that. lol

Now I am half way through cleaning off the gunk from the top of the cupboards. I hope this is the last time I have to do it before we move out of here. No, we haven't sold the house, but I want to. ;)

Alas, my headache is getting a little better now. Funny how venting will do that. It's almost 5 o'clock here, let alone somewhere. I'm going to do this next section of cupboards and then crack one open. Ahhhh, sounds so good right now. So much crap in here is going to goodwill it's not funny!

Ok, it's back. My son just asked if his friend could spend the night and my daughter wants to spend the night at hubby's friends house. ARGHHHH, I've already told why I don't want her down there. I can't stand his stupid bitch of a wife and I don't want my daughter around her. Good grief, that's another 10 posts in itself.

The extra bedroom may end up cleaned today too. It's going to be a very long night!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ahh, the christmas hangover

The weekend's been great, but now I've got a stuffed up head and a headache. I'm sure it's just the let-down from the holidays. Just in case I took a little nap today and I just grabbed a coffee. So what if I won't sleep tonight? :)

Christmas was super good to me. I was surprised as hell to find the family had bought me a 19" flat screen monitor. Holy cow this thing is huge. I'm in heaven. lol Not to mention the fact that I couldn't get in trouble for surfing the net all day yesterday. I had to play with my new toy after all!

Besides that I got a heart rate monitor to use with my clients, gift certificate to the running shoe store here locally with a bunch of other goodies in it. The movie strange brew and the new gwen stefani cd. Strange Brew is my all time fav movie and I only had it on vhs. The new gwenny cd is good, but I'm a little disappointed in how few dance tunes are on it. Fun house cleaning cd though. Oh wait, what am I saying? I don't clean my house.

The kids seemed to be flying high with their stuff. They still are. lol On Christmas Eve we started watching a Christmas Story which was very appropriate. Hubby bought air soft pellet guns for the two of them for Christmas. So all day yesterday we kept telling him not to shoot his eye out. lol

Daughter is happy that Santa brought her a gamecube. Super Mario Kart is her favorite game, so now she can play it to her hearts content. Not to mention the sweet skateboard Daddy picked out for her. ;) They've already gotten to the age that everything is expensive. Or maybe they just take after us? roflmao We were super impressed with their lists though, cause they don't just have big ticket items on them. Heck, sons list had new shoes and sweatpants on it. Boy my kids are awesome.

I'm trying to figure out when we can get up to go boarding. Hubby said he'd be cranky no matter when we go since we won't be taking him. lol Oh well, he can't go this season and there's no reason we shouldn't! Crystal mountain got 11" over Christmas Eve and it's supposed to totally dump up there all week! I think Friday sounds like a good day to me.

Damn I drank my coffee while typing this and now there is no more. Guess I better go find some a Diet Coke or something. My headache is still here. :( Hmm, maybe a tylenol would work better.

Alright, off to work on work stuff...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Been tagged

Well this may be difficult to come up with 5 things at all. I'm not too private of a person. lmao Good thing I can keep this tab open and think about it for a few hours.

My friend Retta hit me in the middle of the night with this one. I went to bed late, so she must have been holding it in laughing as we were chatting through the night. lol So here's to finding something interesting that you don't know!

1. I've had the same best friend for almost a quarter century. Even though she moved out of town, we remained good friends growing up.

2. I have a tattoo of a ladybug with some daisies. It's just the first of many, but I can't seem to justify the money to go get the others right now. lol

3. St. Patty's day is my second favorite holiday. Green is my favorite color and I'm Irish, what can I say. Oh then to top it off it was the first real date hubby and I went on. ;)

4. I have a turtle that is a bigger bitch than I am. I fill up her water and she immediately dumps it out and stares at me. Then in the middle of the night when she's thirsty, she pushes the water bin against the glass. OVER AND OVER AND OVER...

5. I was one of those odd little girls that actually had a pony. lol We were poor, but we got him for a very low price from one of my Dad's friend. For all those little girls that want a pony, DON'T. They are a lot of work unless you have the stable hands to take care of them for you. lmao

k, I hit 5 and that was difficult. lol Now here's 5 people that have to do it!
Kara and Anita

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Too Tired

Well I'm too tired to be posting, but I'm on a freakin' mission and must finish it. I had to post to all 4 of my blogs and then the 2 that I post to occasionally TODAY. And this means that I have completed my mission. I've left this blog until last cause this is my easiest blog. But alas, I was up way to late last night and lost my mojo now.

I got to stay home today since work asked me to leave yesterday. 2 days earlier than I'd planned on, but hey, being home is much better for the holidays. lol So I had a big list of all the things I wanted done and I did a bunch of them. Woohoo me! Vaccuuming, dishes, and webstuff. I'll hit the rest of it tomorrow.

I knew I was going to be working online so I let the kids each have a friend over for the night. We even went and got movies. Well hell if they aren't all wound up! So instead of having 2 kids driving me crazy running and wrestling, I have had 4. WTF was I thinking? Aha, couldn't think. PMS and not enough sleep. I can not be held responsible for my own stupidity.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Changes at work

Well the bomb has to have been dropped at work, but my friend hasn't called me yet. I feel bad not telling her ahead of time, but he asked me not to and I feel bad enough that I'd talked to who I had about it. I'm no longer working the crazy schedule. I will now be working whatever schedule I set at the new gym! YIPPEE for me and my family. Money will probably be tight as we adjust, but I know I will see it come in. We are sitting ok right now for bills and I have complete confidence that I'm doing the right thing.

So the new gym is going to be fun. I get to set my own appointments. Don't have to be there if I don't have any appointments. I literally, have no boss. They just ask me to do some free workouts showing new members how to use the equipment correctly, once a week. Such a sweet trade. Since I want to meet all the members anyway. That is how you get new clients. lol Win, win.

I can't wait to be a part of my own community again. Be a part of my friends lives again. But most of all, be around for my family.

So here's to total self-employment!

Friday, December 08, 2006


I gotta find some energy. Maybe it's time for a doctors visit. I'm just in an awful funk and have no idea how to get out of it. It would probably help to get a good-full nights sleep. I'll try that tonight first.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Good day

So not much to report right now. Life is going really well and I don't want to jinx it by talking about it. lol We have lots in the works in the family and within the next week I'll post. But there's just no telling who is reading this in my little world.

I have a jam packed day off tomorrow as usual. Fitting in lots of web work, but this house is a sty and needs cleaning. Then my daughter made honor roll! Huge deal! So I'm going to the assembly tomorrow for that. And stopping at the gym on the way home. I love the new gym, it takes away all my stupid excuses.

Am I sarcastic?

You're Totally Sarcastic

You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.

Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.

And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.

Friday, December 01, 2006

New day

I started the day off right by going to the new gym. I'm not used to the equipment not being the top of the line, but I love that I can go whenever I want. I hit the weights hard like old days and I'm sticking with that plan cause it makes me feel good. If I don't lose all the weight, so be it. I'll be happy and a little bigger. lol

Then went and grabbed movies and sushi. YUMMMMY! Ordered a different one and it was the bomb baby.

Got home to a voicemail that the fire chief wanted hubby to give him a call. He did a good job of disguising if it was good news or bad news. Hubby of course wasn't answering his phone at work so had to wait. Not long though cause they got off work early for the Christmas party tonight. See, there are no coincidences and I do notice how all of them line up cause I'm looking for them. lol And I say thank you after them as well.

ANYWAY, I ramble. Me? Really? OK, you want to know what happened with the phone call? They offered him a job. It's conditional on getting through the background check and the medical eval, but those won't be a problem. Our credit history is the only thing we worry about cause it sucks. But we have never filed bankruptcy, we are doing the honorable thing and paying off our stupidity from youth. SO hubby will be a paid fireman next year. I'm so proud of him! He's worked really hard and has wanted this really bad. It will be amazing to see him happy to go to work. lol