Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Notice me gone?

So did you notice that I'm not at this address much? Miss me yet? I have put the blog back on wordpress, but have to keep this one open in case of an emergency again. lol So you can hit me on either blog for some updates. But if you want to get more of the dish, then hit my domain at

This week has been super hot. We aren't used to 90's here in Seattle. Especially this early in the Summer! I love it, but it's quite miserable in the afternoon/evening. It's midnight right now and the house is finally starting to cool off. All the doors and windows are open and fans are going everywhere. I'm getting dog tired, but I can't stand to close up the house yet. It's going to get so dang hot when I do. :(

It's to cool down after today. Hoping we actually get the storms that are predicted. Although not any rain. We are going to have a yard sale this weekend, so no rain!